What We Do
Our main present activities are:
Research, Publication & Promotion
Cultural educational workshops
African women’s cultural arts in health and wellbeing
Cultural Explaining Training
Cultural Exchanges and Residencies
AWADGlobal remains the voice of grassroots African women and has now extended its work to embrace diaspora and others as there were growing demands for AWADGlobal’s support from people from diverse communities. This has made AWAD a leading grassroots name across Europe. AWADGlobal piloted and successfully implemented ground-breaking projects in the past.
2022-2024 AWADGlobal Re-emerging
Throughout year 2020 despite Covid lock-downs, an online group was set up for on-going discussions by the new management members. Consensus was reached in March 2021, so, we had the name changed by the charity commission to AWADGlobal by November 2021. Since then, AWADGlobal started with a new face of the charity and based in sub-urban/rural England where it has gradually begun to develop. There is much to be done as we have to start with the use of volunteers, have in place strategic plans and reach out to mainstream organisations in Arts, Culture, Heritage, Education and Health that we plan to work with collaboratively and or in partnerships. Our target organisations are Museums, Libraries, Design and Production Industries, Higher Education Institutions and Health sectors, many of whom have global/colonial archive collections including African artefacts that are presently inaccessible and need to recognise and use cultural arts in their service deliveries.
In 2022 we carried out a needs assessment exercise with UK based grassroots African women artists. Together with mainstream sector representatives in consultation with a number of museums and identified a variety of needs. The information and idea of using cultural artefacts and cultural explainers’ methodology to explore issues such as learning and wellbeing, access, environmental and social issues was successfully gathered during the year's Black History month. Thematic workshops carried out has now been used both immediate and future strategic work plans.
AWADGlobal,developed a passion to use aspects of their culture in educational contexts to explore what is happening now. The bringing of African perspectives and experience to schools will have a strong educational impact, bringing a more critical and empathetic understanding and awareness.
AWADGlobal already works in this sphere, working with diverse cultures is an increasingly core activity as well as the current concern to ‘globalise’ the interpretations of museum archive collections and there are opportunities in using archive collections to bring alive current issues. Example is with education staff of the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester for exploration of West African textile production history.